AUGUST, the month of Solidarity in Chile,

A time when we celebrate Fr. Alberto Hurtado SJ’s great legacy, thank our supporters and promote solidarity!

Apostol of Justice, he left a perpetual legacy in this field, and giant contributions in multiple others. The total gift of self for those most disadvantaged was a tireless service his whole life.

On August 18th (date when passed away) will be the Day of Solidarity in Chile, when we celebrate his legacy, thank our supporters, and promote solidarity.

The above mural was painted in 2019 at the North front of the Hogar de Cristo facility to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Foundation. It was made thanks to the generosity of a Chilean artist, Mico, and the help and work of many people, among others: users, volunteers, and employees of the Hogar de Cristo, including their Chaplain.

The underlying message is not just about neighborhood beautification or cleanup, but a way to remember how to build a more just, inclusive, and better community in which everybody’s contribution count.

” The charity begins where the justice ends”  –  “We must be righteous before we are generous”
Fr. Alberto Hurtado SJ

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