Ruta Calle from Hogar de Cristo, Chile. We are hitting the streets to help the unsheltered and ignored.
Homelessness is a year-round reality that invariably hits the poorest the hardest during extreme temps, either winter or summer times.
From 2020 to date, 363 homeless people have died on the streets, twelve of them in the frozen winter weather of the Magallanes region, one of the southernmost regions of the world (source: Fundación Moviliza).
According to MIDESO-Chile, 21,000+ people are experiencing homelessness now, which is a double increase compared to 2017, based on the same source. The actual figures are likely much higher due to those unwilling to register or not having IDs. The severe affordable housing crisis is one of the main reasons.
Ruta Calle, initiated by Fr. Alberto Hurtado, has been continued since then. The Hogar de Cristo workers and volunteers set up to walk down the streets every week to help people at high risk and experiencing homelessness—many times with severe health conditions, mental disabilities, or addictions. They bring food and blankets and connect them with assistance networks or emergencies.
Please do not ignore them. A simple acknowledgment of their presence can make a big difference for them. Making eye contact, saying hello, or asking its name is the slightest gesture of empathy and humanity.
The next question is, what else can I do for one of them? This is the way there (Chile). CLICK HERE
 Donate here, HERE, to this cause impacting vulnerable children/youth.
Hogar de Cristo USA

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