Aging Chile – Older Adult Reality – The fastest growing segment!
The aging population is a global phenomenon, and according to WHO, by 2050, 80% of older people will live in low—and middle-income countries. By then, the ratio of Chileans ages 60 and older will be 1 in 3; however, those aged 80 and older will increase threefold, jumping from 590,000 to almost 2,000,000 (source INE-Chile).
So, Chile faces a significant challenge in ensuring that its health and social systems will be ready to take advantage of this demographic shift. This is a solid warning to take action to provide economic and social sustainability, but it also calls for emphasizing and promoting public policies and planning with a priority to protect older people’s rights and dignity, especially those who are more disadvantaged.
According to SENAMA (Chilean National Service for Older People), there are just 24,000 locations (public and private) to assist older adults in Chile. Nevertheless, it is estimated that around 260,000 wouldn’t have access if they needed it (UC-Chile report)—an urgent and long way to go right away.
Mr. Héctor Concha, a user of CEAM (Centro de Encuentro Adulto Mayor), Arica-Chile, shares his experiences in the video and his frustration about being a vulnerable older adult who feels marginalized and ignored by the system.
Donate here, HERE to this cause that transforms Older Adult lives,
Hogar de Cristo USA

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