Reentry schools now! About 222,000 At-risk/vulnerable children and youth are excluded/out of school in Chile, according to official government data year ending in 2018.

5 urgent proposals to National Education Council, Chile:
1) Curricular Flexibility
2) Stable financing
3) Educational Quality
4) National Coverage
5) Where are they, who are they? You have to go looking for them.

We need to get 10,000 signatures to launch this initiative


Sumate from Hogar de Cristo,25 years of know-how retrieving learning trajectories to transform vulnerable youth lives through Education: Retention, Re-schooling, Re-entry schools & projection​.

Reentry programs for out-of-schools vulnerable youth. An inclusive model that engages students in a safe & supportive environment to get high school diplomas, skills & higher education.

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