Virtual Gastronomy workshops, Súmate from Hogar de Cristo is a foundation with over 25 years of know-how in education, focused on vulnerable children & youth that has been excluded from
Retaking Educational trajectories-Chile,What Súmate-Hogar de Cristo is doing. Retrieving the educational path for vulnerable youth is a complex process involving multiple factors after havi
Little by Little campaign through GlobalGiving, DONATE HERE Your small action can make a big impact on somebody else’s life, and community. No question, the current pandemic, and eco
Transforming lives through Education! DONATE HERE A technical table of specialists to prevent school dropout was recently organized by the Ministry of Education-Chile, among whic
VOLUNTEERING HERE (Fluent Spanish required). Unleashing solidarity through a virtual call from the United States. Accompanying our Seniors in Chile that faces poverty, loneliness, and a
AUGUST, the month of Solidarity in Chile, A time when we celebrate Fr. Alberto Hurtado SJ’s great legacy, thank our supporters and promote solidarity! Apostol of Justice, he left a perpetu
Coronavirus and economic crises are unleashing waves of solidarity and community actions. No question just will overcome this crisis together. On Wednesday, July 15th Hogar de Cristo wi
Risks of School Dropouts. The Day After! DONATE HERE UNESCO & OECD have alerted already. The effect of coronavirus school closings could have drastic Education consequ
JOIN US! Together we can overcome adversities! As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, Hogar de Cristo’s frontline workers throughout Chile (1ra línea) are bravely risking their personal