Transforming lives through education, Chile

A New Future!

NUEVO FUTURO is one of the four (4) Súmate-Hogar de Cristo’s Reentry Schools, currently located in Lota-BioBio, and dedicated to serving vulnerable children/youth that have experienced exclusion from the education system. Its objective is to retrieve their learning trajectories.

Nuevo Futuro School is moving to Concepcion City downtown in March 2022, after eight years of operation in Lota-BioBio. The pandemic, economic & social crises have exacerbated preexisting inequalities in some areas economically depressed for decades in the region, impacting the directly poorest population. So, extending the scope to serve more students is the main reason for this move. It includes commute areas from Hualqui, Chiguayante, Hualpén, Talcahuano, Tomé, Penco even Lota. Over 8,500 vulnerable children/youth are excluded from their right to education in the region of BioBio, condemned to repeat the cycle of poverty if there are no actions taken.

Of its current 75 students in Lota, Nuevo Futuro School expects to have over 120 students in March and then reach 200. It has been tough to carry out the project and move; actually, a door-to-door job expressed her local director.


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