
5th Anniversary of Housing First Program, Chile
 People experiencing Homelessness are increasing across the board. However, ignoring, pushing, stigmatizing, or criminalizing them does not solve the problem. The severe affordable housing crisis is the main reason. There are many reasons why people can become homeless. Many are educated, not on drugs, have no records, and they had decent jobs.
Over 700 people aged 50+ with 5+ years of Homelessness have participated in our program, and most remain in it.
It provides immediate access to permanent housing for people experiencing Homelessness. Its fundamental principle is that people can better advance their lives if they are first housed and their essential rights are respected. Once the above factors are stabilized, further support can be provided.
Nevertheless, there is still a long way to go. According to MIDESO-Chile (Ministerio de Desarrollo Social), 21,000+ people are experiencing Homelessness, which is a double increase compared to 2017 (same source). However, in our experience, Homelessness can be drastically higher because of the number of people who do not want to register or do not have ID.
Feeling unwanted or ignored is one of the cruelest and most degrading ways of poverty. Historically, people experiencing Homelessness have been socially excluded, a matter of fundamental rights not fulfilled yet.
The same stat shows that immigrants, women, children, and adolescents were more affected. Any consistent solution solves the lack of affordable and permanent housing.
Therefore, we focus on raising awareness of Homelessness and the rights of people who are homeless. Despite living in extreme adversity and poverty, we consider them citizens with skills and abilities to be developed and strengthened for social inclusion. We believe that the solution to people experiencing Homelessness can best be found through the support, commitment, unity, and non-judgment of society.
Reception: We provide psychosocial support services to people experiencing Homelessness in our facilities and on the street. Our professionals and volunteers work the streets and territories of the country day and night.

“Centro de Encuentro” (meeting Center): Our Center is open daily and provides services for primary care, health, shelter, and psychosocial support, as well as educational and recreational group activities.

“Casa de Acogida is a Program that promotes the social inclusion of homeless people over age 50 through ongoing psychosocial assistance. We offer a program centered around personal change, connecting with peers, and reconnecting with the social environment for those living on the street.

Shelters: Our shelters provide overnight accommodations, food, and essential support services for street people in centers nationwide. At our hostels, people experiencing Homelessness, who are the most excluded in society, will find the support of many volunteers and groups.


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