& Employment Inclusion



The goal of EMPLEA-Hogar de Cristo is to strengthen the skills and competencies of the most disadvantaged groups excluded from the labor market, most of them with long stories of unemployment and deprivations. Our target population is the first four deciles of the poorest in Chile, where over 1 million from this segment have the potential to become part of the labor market, but they do not have skills or job experience.

Over 6,500 people were through our programs in EMPLEA. From the above, over 60% are women, 25% immigrants, 10% people with disabilities, and 22% elderly. 


Employment is a means to overcome poverty in our country. It not only satisfies the basic needs of each person but also dignifies them and enables them to develop their skills and abilities to contribute to the progress of society. For everyone, it is essential to have quality employment.

Currently, over 1 million from this segment have the potential to become part of the labor market, but they do not have skills or job experience, they’re people who are unemployed and living at the poverty level. To help resolve the problem, Hogar de Cristo’s mission is to promote employment of this population who are often overlooked, with the goal of improving the quality of life for them and their families.

Fundación Emplea (The Employment Foundation) has three intervention programs that provide for the social and labor inclusion of the poorest people, especially those who have the most difficulty finding employment.

Programa de Acompañamiento y Formación Socio Laboral (Employment Assistance & Training Program): The objective of this program is to provide tools that support the unemployed in the development of technical skills for employment in the workforce. This program targets men and women over 18 years of age who fall into the lowest poverty level and are currently unemployed.

Programa Empleo con Apoyo (ECA) (Support for Employment Program): This program works with Ingreso Etica Familiar (IEF) for the Homeless, which is administered by the Ministry of Social Development. It provides psychosocial and workforce support.

Programa de Orientación Socio-Laboral  (OSL) Socio-Labor Orientation Program: The program connects people being treated for alcohol and drug abuse through one of our Treatment programs with access to Residential Centers, Intensive Outpatient Programs and Basic Outpatient Programs that are a part of the Public Health Network and the SENDA Treatment network.

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