Fr Alberto Hurtado,Today, August 18,We celebrate his feast and 70 years of legacy. Some people live with such a superior force that, once passed, leaves a permanent milestone in their natio
Social Justice and the Sacred. Exploring the thought of Alberto Hurtado SJ. A great BOOK and job! We should read or at least get an overview. Social Justice & the Sacred: Explorin IN 2023, HOGAR DE CRISTO ASSISTED 10,641 USERS IN 85 PROGRAMS. Homelessness in Chile, Winter is here again; consistently, it will hit the vulnerable the hardest.
The other MBA! The goal of EMPLEA-Hogar de Cristo is to strengthen the skills and competencies of the most disadvantaged groups, excluded from the labor market in Chile, most of them with lo
Transforming lives through education, Chile A New Future! NUEVO FUTURO is one of the four (4) Súmate-Hogar de Cristo’s Reentry Schools, currently located in Lota-BioBio, and
ChileMass Teachers Program 2022, Massachusetts, Teachers have now accomplished their intensive English classes, fulfilling the first program stage. The second one started on Monday, Jan 31st
Hogar de Cristo, Seventy-seven years of transforming lives to build a more just & dignified Chile! Achievements in 2021 / Programs – participants: • Housing First: 100% stay housed f Children, Chile, They’re the future! DONATE HERE TO CAUSES THAT TRANSFORM LIVES In Chile, almost 6 out of 10 children from 0 to 4 years old do not att
Child Rights, Chile urgently needs to boost a Social Protection Floor as a public policy to address child poverty and socio-economic vulnerabilities. “Nacer y Crecer en Pobreza y Vulne
ChileMass Alliance, Boston MA, Teachers Program 2022, NEW seven (7) scholarships for the specialization of Chilean teachers have been awarded by Teachers Program 2022 to continue the success